It’s about that time…

Thanks to all you sweet customers for the many Valentines last Friday. It made me feel like a kid again. But now, it’s Carnival time and Dots is abuzz with activity, visitors, and crazy fun. Even though I have an attic full of beads, I still love getting out on the neutral ground and screaming for more. What’s a better catch for you – beads, cups, or the toys? Hit me back on Facebook and let me know.

Keep in mind, your best bet is to stop by one of my diners after the parades. Best part, most are open 24 hours! Come see me cause you know my food is better than anything you’ll eat on the parade route. We’ll be closed Mardi Gras day so my gals can enjoy the day with their families. We’re open all day on Lundi Gras and will re–open on Wednesday. I promise not to wipe any ashes off your forehead. (He–He)

– Love ya, Dot

PS – Throw me something mister (or pretty lady)!

Celebrating 24 Years