If you’re reading this, you’ve survived Black Friday and you might be preparing for Cyber Monday. Hopefully you don’t feel like you had to survive Thanksgiving with your family. I love the holidays, I get such a sensation warming the house with the oven and seeing the kiddos dressed up nice.
Tis the season to give thanks and to treat you, my lovely customers. I have two gifts in store over the next few weeks, but I need you to work a bit for the first one. I’m trying to clean up our email list (an early New Year Resolution) and I want to get to know you better. Please update your profile and if you do, I’ll send you $5 Dot Dollars next week.
You’ll have to stay tuned for my next treat.
– Love ya, Dot
PS – I didn’t forget about my Jewish friends. I hope you’re enjoying Chanukah with your family and friends.