Ready for New Year?

Wow, Christmas has come and gone already. Sorry that I didn’t get my email out this past Monday, like usual. I was a little busy cooking for the big family dinner and I still had a few presents to wrap. I figured you were a little busy too.

I love seeing the children’s eyes get big when they open up that perfect gift from Santa. I also love that they still put out milk and cookies for “him”. This time they even asked me what kind of cookies I thought Santa likes best. This year – snicker doodles and ginger snaps (hint, hint).

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukah, or any other holiday, I hope you’re having a lovely holiday season. The end of the year is a great time to reflect on this highs and lows of this past year. I hope I was part of some of those moments that made you smile. So many of you share your family celebrations with me in the diners and you definitely know how to make this ol’ gal chuckle.

My special treat for you, since I know many of you are off a few extra days the next couple of weeks, is that I extended my coupon offer a few extra days. You have your choice of 20% off during the week or 10% off on Saturday or Sunday. Bring the kids by for some hot chocolate or grab a friend and treat them to a warm meal – its still the holiday season after all. At least that’s my excuse because I don’t plan on taking down the Christmas decorations any time soon. 

– Dot

PS – I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year and also I’ll see you next year! (I just love saying that when next year is just a few days away.)

Celebrating 24 Years