If you love music, this is a great time to be here in New Orleans!
I had a ball out at French Quarter Fest, and now I’m gearing up for some Jazzfest fun! I’m kind of partial to the local musicians at the Fest. I think they’re the most talented folks out there, and sometimes Ol’ Dot gets kind of overwhelmed in those crazy sized crowds when the “big acts” are playing.
My favorite crowd, though, is a restaurant full of hungry Dots customers. Like I always say, y’all are the best customers in the world. I love seeing you in my stores, and I’ve really been enjoying seeing you tag me in pictures on Facebook and Instagram. It’s fun sharing them with my other followers, and who knows…you just might get famous!
Hee Hee!
One thing I’m famous for is sending out great coupons. This time, you’ll be getting 50% OFF ANY ITEM FROM MY SANDWICH SHACK, BURGER BAR, OR CHICKEN COOP when you purchase a drink. We can call it Fifty Percent Off Fest! Yeah…I think I like that! Just print it out and come on in with your coupon and “fest” with me. See you soon!
Love ya,