Awards & Hidden Gems

Thank you, thank you, thank you darlin’. Thank you so much for the love and voting Dots Diner one of New Orleans Best Diners in the Times Picayune and in Where Y’at Magazine’s 2012 Best of the Big Easy Awards. We are honored to be your favorite again.

To celebrate, I’m giving you a discount coupon to try this week any of my Monday through Friday Daily Lunch Specials. I know you know that we make great breakfast here at Dots, but try us out for a hearty and reasonable lunch…either on our regular,everyday menu, or with this coupon, one of our unique Daily Lunches. That’ll make it an extra special “Daily Special” day for you and you can all celebrate with some dessert with the money I’m saving you. You know–my favorite Daily Lunch Special is our Breaded Pork Chop or Kenner’s Stewed Chicken but with this coupon…you can just pick your own. Just look at those pictures below – they look so delicious. I’m getting hungry just typing this email.

It seems like the summer is brewing up some great conversations. Lately, I’ve been talking to some regulars that just found a few new items on my menu (or even suggested a great menu item for me). Since so many people are surprised by the variety on our menu, I wanted to point out a few “hidden” gems – the Beignet Stix or Crawfish Creole Biscuit. So, take a peak at our everyday menu and find a “hidden gem” of your own or check out each of our 6 locations and their own Daily Specials. Pick out your favorite location & food on our Daily Special Calendar and see you at the Diner

Love ya,
– Dot

PS – Tom Benson and Micky Loomis, please sign our dearest Drew Brees. I’m not you’re mama, but you still don’t want to disappoint your ol’ Dot. We need him. Thanks boys.

Celebrating 24 Years